About Me
Katherine Spiller : co-creator of heaven on earth through life and love homeostatis

You are the artist
the art
and the muse.
You get to choose.
Katherine Spiller
Appreciating CHOICE
I was raised the 7th of 12 children, a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon). I was married at 20, and had 4 children by my 27th birthday.
At the age of 28yo, the quiet Inner-tuition I had named and related to (endearingly) as ‘Heavenly Father’ / God, softened my blind obedience into deconstructing the ‘truth’ of the organisation’s history.
Fasting and prayer, prioritizing my faith towards GOD (knowing I’d lose the respect of the only family and community I had) I walked away with my then husband and four children. After settling on the Sunshine Coast, I started my ICPKP Kinesiology studies, opening my first home-based clinic a few days a week. Kinesiology gave me a beautiful framework to deconstruct the psychological and spiritual impact of religious trauma, and prejudice I’d experienced as a woman. I found a career I LOVED!
Within 3 yrs, my husband left, and I was a single mum, a limited support system near-by, 2.5hrs away from my family of origin, juggling the financial, emotional and mental load of children who’s life had been turned up-side down. It was a heavy time for my children, and myself.
At the time, the therapists I saw had a common theme. They tried to convince me that I was experiencing coercive control, an emotional and psychological form of domestic violence. I couldn’t comprehend it, because there were no physical scars. I just though that I wasn’t strong enough.
After settling closer to their Dad’s family (still 1.5hrs away from my family of origin), I was able to set up my home-based clinic, Fruition Natural Therapies. I started working in the admin team of Kinesiology Schools Australia, tutoring and supporting other students. Because of the conduct of the Principle with some students (he was later found guilty of sexual misconduct), I had to walk away.
In 2016, my Dad had a stroke, and 6 mths later, my littler sister (and best friend at the time) also had a stroke, losing the use of the left side of her body (for a time. She’s doing great now!) This triggered a trauma in me… “What if I had a stroke? I wouldn’t be able to work in my clinic.”
While she was in the US, I was able to adjust my protocols enough to effectively work on her remotely. At the same time, I reconnected with an old friend who I admired so deeply! She introduced me to Arbonne, and I saw a way for me to create an income while still being with my kids, even if I was unable to practice kinesiology. As someone who had been so prejudiced against network marketing… I JUMPED IN FULL FORCE!
The community was incredibly uplifting, and I grew a team quickly. I HUSTLED like never before, earning 2 international trips, including a trip to Hawaii for myself and my children! Ultimately, my body and mind couldn’t keep up with the amount of hustle and socializing I was participating in, AND maintain the standard of purposeful parenting that I valued way more than the money.
In 2019, with adrenal fatigue, and a HPV diagnosis that was progressing quickly into cervical cancer, I moved into a shed on my parents property. This was the START of my TRUE spiritual awakening! My eldest moved in with his Dad to stay close to the friendships he’d made, which was a self-honoring choice for him (as much as it also broke his and our hearts to separate!)
Within months of moving there, 3 of my children experienced suicidal ideations, and the other depression. One of them was severely self-harming and had a plan to exit life, asking that I not try to stop them. (They’re all so much better now.)
It lead me back to gentle surrender to God/LIFE, the unfolding of LIFE through me. The Inner-tuition that had held my heart through life. One night I was playfully creating a ritual of magic, calling on the wisdom in my blood, to my ancestors… who could guide me through this generational healing, FOR THE SAKE OF MY CHILDREN’S LIFE!!!
Within days, I was visited by my Great-Grandmother Dorothy, who had died when my Grandmother was only 9. I invited my daughter to be part of the generational healing, to open to the spiritual gifts that I had developed in myself, and that I knew were coming online for her too.
During this heavy time, I would go to the ocean to break. I called on the water as “Mother”, entered into her womb, to be reborn with new energy to guide my family. The darkest of these days, my spirit broke, I didn’t know if I could break more. “Mother, I am going to break!” “No, you’re not! You’ve already done that before. There is a new way of healing! Lay your head back…. and float!” I felt BLISS envelope me! I found capacity for DEEP JOY amid the darkest of times. The new is ‘SIMPLER. GENTLER. NON-FORCE!!’
I eventually met a man who I fell deeply in love with, and within 6mths we’d chosen each other for life, and I moved out of that shed and into his townhouse. I wrote a program called Spiritual Sovereignty, and was teaching others how to channel their subtle energy, the way Inner-tuition has shown me.
The polarity of integrating the information of the subtle energy world/ spirit world, the deliciousness of deeply connected love and my hyperfixation on understanding the TRUTH behind the conspiracy’s that were no longer ‘theories’ in my mind … created the strongest channel I have ever experienced.
June 2021, after scooting with my son to school, I stopped by a grove of mango trees by a very average, suburban creek. I sat in curious contemplation on the information I had been consuming. I placed my hands in the dirt and asked “Earth, show me what you know.” I felt the physiology of energy open my 3rd eye, and I experienced a Kundalini Activation. It was unlike any other experience I’d ever had!
Since then, my medicine has been to integrate my spiritual experience through my physical reality. Radical INTEGRITY and self RESPONSABILITY. That love I had chosen for life, he ended up leaving me spiritually first, then emotionally, before I decided to listen to his actions more than his words. HE HADN’T CHOSEN ME LIKE I HAD CHOSEN HIM.
So in late 2023, I chose me.
2024 was my year of selfishness. The “NO”s I’d been wanting the courage to say, the boundaries I’d been wanting to maintain created a new standard in my life. It was the year of my personal independence. Living with my two teenage sons, working in cafe’s, and not forcing myself beyond my nervous system’s consent.
Now, I teach others how to choose themselves, their life, their power.
Simpler. Gentler . Without force or coercion!
This is my joy and my gift to the world!
We’ve got this gorgeous human!
Love Katherine!
Becoming You
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Released on Store
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US Bestselling Book
Ultrices ultrices sed ultrices suspendisse quisque in etiam adipiscing ligula rhoncus vivamus tincidunt amet sem cursus hendrerit nulla.
My First Award
Cras amet amet in egestas nibh vestibulum feugiat bibendum tempus ut ultricies risus aliquam vestibulum malesuada vitae sit.
World’s #1 Bestselling Author
Curabitur malesuada turpis mauris mollis eget tincidunt lacus fusce purus dolor hac viverra viverra sagittis augue purus venenatis.